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Reclaim The Changes

Dr Gina reclaim the changes Reclaim The Changes - 1

Reclaim The Changes

Throughout their lives, nearly every woman will experience a range of changes that can be attributed to ageing, childbirth, and menopause (which includes a lack of estrogen and hormonal changes). These changes affect body shape, sexual health, and bladder function.

These conditions affect self-esteem and daily activities, adversely impacting quality of life and wellbeing. A high percentage of women consider these changes part of life and suffer in silence rather than seeking help.

Changes that can occur with pregnancy and childbirth

  • Diastasis recti – known as abdominal muscle separation.
  • Abdominal skin laxity – known as “mummy tummy” with loose skin.
  • Pelvic floor weakness – this manifests itself with sense of heaviness, loss of bladder control, and leaky bladder (especially stress incontinence).
  • Vaginal laxity – this ranges from just vaginal relaxation syndrome and a sense of things getting looser to actual vaginal prolapse.
  • Vaginal dryness – this can occur during breast feeding.
  • Lack of sexual gratification – this may include decreased libido and orgasm.


If you think it stops there, you are mistaken. More changes occur as women hit perimenopause, and progressively worsen with menopause. This includes changes to body fat distribution, muscle mass, and genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) symptoms.

Changes that can occur during menopause

Body Fat Distribution

Estrogen promotes the accumulation of fat in the gluteo-femoral regions. Lowered estrogen levels (which occur during menopause) are not only associated with weight gain, but also a change in fat distribution. This includes an increased central adiposity and visceral fat, resulting in a loss of the feminine body that is reflected in an increased waist circumference.

Muscle Mass

Menopause is also associated with a reduction in lean body muscle mass. This can lead to reduced core strength, worsened overall balance, and lower back pain. It also contributes to loss of buttock volume. During this time, cellulite worsens due to enlarged fat cells, loss of collagen and elastin, poor blood flow, and metabolic waste accumulation. 

Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM)

During menopause lack of estrogen and ageing cause many changes occurring in the external genitalia, pelvic floor tissues, bladder and urethra, and the sexual sequelae of loss of sexual function and libido. It presents with vaginal dryness and pain with intercourse, along with reduced sex drive, arousal, and orgasm. It also presents with overactive bladder symptoms like urgency, frequency, dysuria, urge and stress incontinence. These changes are not like hot flushes and night sweats that will “settle with time”, they progressively get worse and need to be managed.


My traditional approach

Traditionally, I approached these changes through lifestyle changes (including a low carb diet and exercise), physiotherapy, medications, EBDs, and invasive procedures. However, these only solved part of the problem, and we have since implemented innovative technologies that facilitate a more holistic approach for these complex conditions.


The new approach

Passionate about staying at the forefront of technology, my approach has evolved to incorporate highly effective and innovative treatments. Four years ago, we added HIFEM technologies to our services, which include Emsella, Emtone, and Emsculpt – with Ocean Cosmetics being the first WA clinic to adopt two of these. These non-invasive treatments address a number of concerns including collagen and elastin loss, diastasis recti, weight gain, and muscle functionality.


Emsella is an ideal treatment for patients wanting to reduce the severity and stress of urinary incontinence and sexual disfunction. This technology combines high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy that stimulates deep pelvic floor muscle spasms to strengthen the pelvic floor area. This treatment is delivered fully clothed, and results in no pain or downtime.


Clinical evidence includes:

  • A 95% patient satisfaction rate.
  • 75% pad usage reduction.
  • 2 x improved sexual function.
  • An 85% improvement in intimate satisfaction.


This body contouring procedure uses supermaximal contractions to target high resistance fat deposits and promote muscle growth – in other words to burn fat and build muscle. Combining high-intensity electromagnetic energy and synchronised radio frequency, this treatment is proven to result in:


  • A 25% increase in muscle mass.
  • A 30% reduction in fat.
  • A 19% diastasis recti reduction.
  • A 6.7cm waist circumference reduction.
  • 95% patient satisfaction.


Alongside these outcomes, Emsculpt NEO is also an effective treatment against the gradual loss of muscle mass that occurs with ageing, with the benefits of improved mobility, balance, stability, and overall quality of life.


Cellulite is more prevalent in women than men due to a higher number of fat cells in the hypodermis. As women age, skin becomes thinner and elasticity decreases, visibly highlighting the dimpled effect of cellulite. Non-invasive Emtone technology uses thermal Monopolar Radiofrequency and Targeted Pressure Energy to simultaneously target the five causes of cellulite, and increase collagen and elastin production.


Clinical results for this treatment record:

  • A 93% cellulite reduction.
  • A 59% higher increase in collagen.
  • A 64% higher increase in elastin.
  • A 2.3cm average hip and thigh circumference decrease.
  • 97% patient satisfaction.


How we can help

At Ocean Cosmetics we combine standard medical treatment options with leading technologies that empower women to reclaim the changes. Don’t continue to suffer in silence — contact us today to learn about our range of treatments including Emsella, Emsculpt, and Emtone, or book in for a consult with Dr Gina to discuss how we can help.

Gina Messiha

Dr. Gina Messiha (Cosmetic Doctor) MB BS FRACGP is the Co- Principal and Director of Ocean Village Medical Centre and Ocean Cosmetics.Dr Gina has a special interest in women's health, anti-ageing and injectables.