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Aesthetic Insight Series Vivace | Gina Messiha

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Aesthetic Insight Series Vivace | Gina Messiha

Cynosure recently sat down with our amazing Dr Gina to chat about the Vivace treatment.

Dr Gina Messiha discusses the versatility of Vivace and why it’s a key technology in her clinic. With Vivace, you can effectively treat a variety of common concerns such as wrinkles, active acne, scarring, poor skin texture, skin tightening and more!

Keep watching to learn more about how #Vivace has allowed Ocean Cosmetics to easily deliver the results their patients want in our latest Aesthetic Insight Series episode.

Ocean Cosmetics

Dr. Gina Messiha (Cosmetic Physician) MB BS FRACGP |Director & Founder Of Ocean Cosmetics (ACAM, MBBS, RACGP)